Sunday, September 5, 2010

I See You!

I like to think of Facebook as a bridge that connects me to my family and friends. We learn interesting facts about each other, comment on issues, share opinions and laugh and joke all in the name of connecting our worlds. For me personally, I have difficulty remembering names so photos connect names to faces. Not only that, but also I feel closer to people when I can “see” them as we communicate through the mediums of comments, messages, videos and chats.

Have you ever wondered how engaging this social network would be without photos or videos? I submit to you that we would spend considerably less time on Facebook.

When I study the Bible, I like to think of it as a bridge that connects me to the very heart of God. It helps me understand who He is, His will and His ways. In essence, I get a real picture of God. But I also wonder how engaging the Bible would be if there were no opportunities to apply the lessons?

It is in the experience of doing life with people that my picture of God becomes more vivid. Consequently, I grow closer to Him and that motivates me to spend more time in His word. I may not be able to “see” Him, but He is just as real as the faces I see everyday on Facebook. Maybe I should call it "Godbook"!